Amateur Radio Station K9DUR
Continuously Licensed Since 1960
DX & Contesting

I enjoy chasing DX.  My 1st ever DXCC application consisted solely of contacts made from my 10m mobile station.  After that certificate was issued, I started pursuing DXCC on the other bands, both from the mobile & from my home station.

I have been issued the following DXCC certificates:
  • Modes:  CW, Phone, RTTY/Digital
  • Bands:  40m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m
I just need to finish up 80m for 5BDXCC. I have 101 worked & 93 confirmed so far.

Visit my Log Search page for my current worked/confirmed totals.

I enjoy working the contests as a "little pistol".  I am too antenna challenged to be considered a "big gun".

My interest in contesting was sparked when I was pursuing DXCC from my 10m mobile & discovered a good place to find DX was in the contests.

My favorite contest modes are CW & RTTY, but you will find me in the SSB contests also.

Look for me in the following contests (usually search & pounce):
  • North American QSO Party (all modes, winter & summer)
  • Indiana QSO Party
  • ARRL Sweepstakes (both CW & SSB)
  • ARRL DX (all modes)
  • ARRL Digital
  • CQ World Wide (all modes)
  • CQ WPX (all modes)
  • Stew Perry (Top Band Distance Challenge)
  • Any other contest that suits my fancy, especially state QSO parties.
Last Update:  June 11, 2024 Copyright ©2014-2024 -- RNA Consulting Services Web Hosting